Accreditation process of the University of West Florida: SACSCOC kick-off event at the Transatlantic Institute of the HWG LU
From February 5-9, 2025, the Transatlantic Institute (TI) at Ludwigshafen University of Business and…
Graduation ceremony of the cooperative MBA of the Transatlantic Institute (TI) on the campus of the University of West Florida (UWF) in Pensacola
On Saturday, June 29, 2024, the graduation ceremony of the Transatlantic Institute's MBA Cohort…
Spring School of the Transatlantic Institute and the College of Business of the University of West Florida
From May 2 to 12, 2024, the Transatlantic Institute (TI) organized the 9th Spring School in…
Congratulations! Graduation ceremony of the Transatlantic Institute in the USA
The seven graduates of the MBA class of 2022/2023 were delighted to successfully complete their…
Success! MBA Graduation of German Graduates of the Transatlantic Institute in the USA
Graduates of the MBA class of 2021/2022 were pleased about the successful completion of their…
Spring School of Transatlantik-Institute (LUBS) and College of Business der University of West Florida 2022
In May 2022, the Transatlantic Institute (TI) hosted the second Virtual Spring School in cooperation…
New Research Results- The influence of Internet shopping and use of credit cards on gender differences in compulsive buying
The research of the Transatlantic Institute leaded by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Raab has been dealing with…
Study and more - April 26th, 2022 5 p.m.- Executive MBA- General and International Management
The U.S. program "General and International Management" (MBA) of the University of West Florida is…
Welcome to UWF Pensacola 2022
In January 2022, the students of the Executive Master "General and International Management" were…
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