Research Projects
The other main pillar of the Transatlantik-Institut – besides executive education – is its research activity. During the last few years, the Transatlantik-Institut has been engaged in numerous major research projects on various current topics. Characteristic of our research is its behavioral science approach, which is complemented by empirical research.
Our research activities are rendered possible through the financial support of our cooperating partners. In addition, our research partnerships with other universities have also proven to be extremely beneficial for the success of our projects.
- Neuroeconomic research project about the influence of payment systems on buying behavior
- Uncontrolled and Compulsive Buying: Development, Spread and Implications
- TI on TV-Show "Galileo"
- Neurological Fundamentals of Compulsive Buying
- Effects of advertising on regional radio
- Veränderung des Zahlungsverhaltens nach Einführung der Arbeitslosengeld II Reform
- Behavioral Finance
- Experimental economic psychology and empirical economic research
- Intra- and Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Citizenship
- Consumption Theory and Behavior